
Site Investigation

SoilGasContoursAMO develops site characterization and investigation strategies commensurate with site-specific environmental, regulatory, and corporate settings. These strategies sometimes incorporate soil gas surveys to focus and expedite follow-up assessment of potential areas of concern. These strategies sometimes incorporate innovative sampling/analysis methods that can obtain thousands of data sets for large sites – at costs that are between 30% and 50% of those that would be incurred through traditional means of investigation.

StatisticsPlan02We also work with mathematicians to develop statistically-based environmental sampling programs. The results of such programs often support acquisition or divestiture plans by providing insight into potential future financial liabilities. The results have also been used on several projects to recover millions of dollars through insurance claims.

Brief: NJDEP MOA Closure
Developed site-closure strategies including Preliminary Environmental Assessment and Phase II Investigation of potential soil and groundwater contamination related to on and off-site operations at a former coffee manufacturing facility in northern New Jersey. On-site work included the investigation and/or remediation of potential UST and other potential operational releases of petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (including TCE and PCE), and PCBs. Provided technical assistance with development of the client's strategy for entering a MOA with the NJDEP. Through assessment of remedial results for site-related concerns, and numerical evaluation of NJDEP’s “historical fill” definitions for other concerns, successfully negotiated NJDEP’s no-further-action approval.

Brief: NJDEP ISRA Closure
Site-closure/improvement program associated with sale of property and ISRA soil investigation at former chemical manufacturing facility in northern New Jersey. Project tasks included: development and implementation of a statistically-based sampling plan designed to forecast potential future financial liability; evaluation and mitigation of soil impacts relative to NJDEP's Soil Cleanup Criteria; assimilation of data into a site-specific GIS; oversight of the remediation of approximately 12,000 yards3 of impacted soil; and successfully negotiation of NJDEP’s no-further-action approval.

Brief: PADEP Act 2 Closure
Directed closure of environmental concerns related to gasoline release from USTs at a former electronics manufacturing facility in southeastern Pennsylvania. Developed and directed surface and subsurface soil investigation strategies, delineation of impacts, and mitigation measures. Tasks involved statistically-based soil & groundwater sampling/analysis, exposure pathway/receptor surveys, groundwater fate & transport analysis, and development of Site-Specific Standards for selected media (among other things). Negotiated and implemented remediation-confirmation plans and groundwater investigation strategies with PADEP. Client received PADEP’s Release from Liability under Act 2 program.