Remedial Design, Oversight & Management
AMO brings practical, hands-on experience to remedial projects. We have over 20 years of experience in defining areas of concern, developing conceptual through final cleanup plans, overseeing the work, and negotiating closure with applicable regulatory agencies.
Many of our site investigation projects lead to remediation tasks. In some cases the “design” of these tasks translates to the simple excavation and removal of specific concerns at a site. In other cases, remedial measures might include in-situ or on-site treatment of impacted soil and/or groundwater. AMO supports the projects by: defining the limits of remediation; developing closure documentation plans commensurate with client and agency requirements; subcontracting/overseeing remediation contractors; collecting, managing, evaluating related treatment documentation; and collecting, evaluating, and presentating post-treatment analytical data to confirm mitigation of the concern(s).
Our experience ranges from working with clients and agencies to establish institutional controls (such as deed restrictions or well restriction areas), which avoid costly invasive measures while protecting potential receptors, to evaluating the feasibility of various remedial alternatives and overseeing large multi-million dollar cleanups.
AMO is a licensed subsurface evaluation and underground storage tank (UST) closure company (NJDEP). We are also insured by A+ carriers with coverage that meets each of our clients’ requirements.
Brief: PADEP Act 2 Closure
Designed and directed closure of environmental concerns related to toluene spill at a Pennsylvania ink manufacuring facility. Developed and directed surface and subsurface soil investigation strategies, impacted media delineation/assessment, and mitigation measures. In addition to excavation and off-site disposal methods, mitigation measures included a bioventing system designed to treat impacts beneath an operational portion of the site. Other related tasks included negotiation of remediation-confirmation plans and groundwater investigation strategies with PADEP; and development of working relationship with owner of site (client's largest regional client). Client received PADEP’s Release from Liability under Act 2 program.
Brief: Michigan Site Remediation
Designed & directed site closure activities at a former paint manufacturing facility in Michigan. Investigative work involved: probability analyses for insurance cost recovery claims; geophysics, soil-gas survey, and statistically-based soil investigation programs. Remedial work involved sale of two out of three parcels and removal of targeted areas of interest from the remaining 6-acre parcel. Approximately 20,000 yards3 of impacted soil and construction debris were removed from site. Potential exposure pathways were eliminated, through fate & transport analysis and other means, for potential direct contact, ingestion, and inhalation concerns. Limited Industrial/Commercial closure approval under MDEQ Part 201 and redeployment of parcel is pending MDEQ approval of final report.
Brief: NJDEP ISRA Closure
Designed and directed soil and groundwater investigation/remediation project at a former chemical manufacturing facility in northern New Jersey. A partial list of remedial tasks at the 27-acre site includes: assimilation of site data into GIS; analytical modeling to predict contaminant duration and migration rates; negotiation of remediation strategies based upon conceptual plans presented in the NJDEP-approved Remedial Management Plan and Remedial Action Work Plan (the final work plan reduced areas formerly planned for remediation by nearly 70%); oversight of in-situ bioremediation using Grace Daramend technology to treat phthalates and PAHs in selected AECs; and negotiation of NJDEP-approved NFA for these AECs.